Company Details
& Data Protection

Information and disclosure according to§5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO und § 14 UGB

Website operator: Chalet Alpgassa GmbH
Address: Hans-Sachs-Gasse 7 / 5.OG, 8010 Graz
UID-No: ATU78687823

Contact data:
Telephone: +43 5583 40100

Concept and design: Angi Reisinger Studio,
Programming: Christian Gschößer,
Strategy and project management: gobiq communication,
Film: Thomas Stanglechner,
Photos: Christoph Schöch,
Photos of the region: Lech-Zürs-Tourismus: Daniel Zangerl, Sepp Mallaun, Christoph Schöch
Texts: Benjamin Ploner,

Applicable legal regulation:

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): Consumers, who are resident in Austria or in another signatory state of the ODR-Regulation, have the possibility of resolving problems regarding the purchase of goods or services via the ODR process according to OS, AStG. The European Commission provides a platform for this purpose:

Copyright: The contents of this website are, as far as legally possible, subject to various protective rights (e.g., copyright). Any use/dissemination of material provided, which is prohibited by copyright law, requires the written consent of the website operator.

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, the website operator of this website accepts no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content. Should you nevertheless become aware of outgoing links which refer to a website with illegal activity/information, we request that you inform us accordingly so that we can remove them immediately in accordance with § 17 para. 2 ECG.

The copyright of third parties is observed by the operator of this website with the utmost care. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we request that you inform us accordingly. If we become aware of such infringements, we will remove the affected content immediately.


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